It's just not the same without the extras"

Danny MAlin, Director of Casting Services
An Actor turned Director, having created over 500 concepts of short films and features, Danny took his casting experience and brought it to the next level, starting in 2018 with a Midway, The Office games, Yid Life Crisis, and moving forward with Fatal Vows.
Danny MAlin, Director of Casting Services

Need more information?
We have included some answers to the most frequently asked questions. Check it out and get into the know. If you are ready to sign up, please go directly to the registration link at the top right. Select your appropriate category and follow the steps. If you have any other questions please send us an email at
Why do Extra work?
What do Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Clint Eastwood and Heath Ledger have in common? Yes you guessed it. They all worked as extras before being launched into stardom! Working as a background performer is a great way to get your feet into the industry and familiarize yourself with the process of filmmaking. Many working actors will also do background performer work in between auditions or during the slow season. They also know that getting on set is a strategic move. You meet other actors, swap contacts, meet production people and expand your network. Its also a great way to pay for workshops and maybe even the rent!
So what is “extra work” all about?
Background performers are essential to a movie. They create the backdrop and the life for everything to take place. So even if you’re not an aspiring actor, there’s still a role for you. We cast for authenticity and realism in our extras. Montreal Casting welcomes anyone regardless of age or experience. Each person has a unique essence that can serve well in the magic of movies.
Can children do extra work?
Montreal Casting welcomes all ages to join our roster. Our youngest extras so far were the wonderfully talented baby twins that were featured in Incendo’s Perfect Surrogate. So it’s never too early to get on set! Children and teens are often part of the background performance of many films and television projects. It’s a great way to learn the ropes, make some shopping money and catch a glimpse of the stars. Sometimes, parents and children can work together on set for a fun family activity. Keep in mind, that in most cases, a guardian will need to be present for minors.
What is a Special Skill Extra?
Can you walk on your hands? Juggle oranges? Are you a nurse? Can you carry a tray of 12 champagne glasses blindfolded? If you have special skills, Montreal Casting needs you. Many police officers, firemen, nurses and other people with special skills and talents join our roster and work in film in their spare time.
Can my car be in the movie?
“The chase scene in the parking lot, “a busy urban boulevard” or “the quiet streets of a neighbourhood”; Sometimes it takes more than just people to create reality in a film. Vehicles are often requested by production to participate in a film. This gives the background performer the opportunity to bring his or her car to the set. Extras receive an additional fee for their “prop vehicle” and will be directed to do specific things to complement the scene. If you ever wanted to show of your new sports car or even a cool klunker, now is your chance!
How much do extras get paid?
Extra work is a great way to make extra cash. You get payed to play! If you are non-union you fall into the category of “cash extra”. Which means you get paid by the hour. The pay rate usually is from 11$-15$ depending on the productions. In most cases, you will be paid a minimum of 8 hours for your work. Often, you can work up to 14 hours on set. Extras can be paid cash at the end of the day or by cheque in the mail. Each production company has its procedures. It is important to mention that only Canadian citizens or people with a valid work permit can do extra work. (valid social insurance number is mandatory) All actra/UDA members get paid according to UNION rates. Please consult UNION website for more details.
Is there a sign-up fee to register with Montreal Casting?
There is no sign up fee. Please fill in your information here:
Are you union or non-union?
That’s a question you will often hear in this business. Actra members start as “apprentice members” or “stagieres” and work their way up to full membership. They get their first “credit” by landing a speaking role or an SOC. Union members benefit from certain advantages and are the crucial backbone of our industry of talent. For more information on becoming part of a union you can refer to their websites. Being non-union is where it all begins for everyone, so don’t worry about it. Montreal Casting has plenty of opportunities for anyone who wants to work as a bachground performer. If a non-union performer accumulates 15 VOUCHERS, they can acquire ACTRA BACKGROUND PERFORMER status, which provides them with more advantages. So stay dedicated and focused. Hard work pays off. If you are Union, You must have your union membership number and confirmation available for us to verify
What if I have an agent?
We are not agents. We are extras casting directors. If you sign up with Montreal Casting to be an extra, we will contact you directly. Make sure you review and make the nessacary arrangements with your agent and let them know.